Maplesoft Maple 17.01 Review
Maple 17.01 is a technical computation product released by Maplesoft which is leading provider of high performance software tools for science, mathematics and engineering. The product of this company reflects the philosophy that with great tools, people can do great things very easily. Maple 17.01 is a maintenance update which is available to all users using Maple 17 and this update contains enhancements to many wide areas. Maple 17.01 gives various advancements in a variety of branches of technical computation. The new functionality includes features that help in solving new class of differential equations, solving systems of equations, new signal processing tools and it gives expanded support for statistics, dynamic systems and physics. The performance of the product has also enhanced with improvements to frequently called algorithms, routines and improvement in the low level infrastructure of memory management for better functionality. The new memory manager with the help of multiple processors will allow memory-intensive computations running up to 50% faster and computations to run 10% faster. With the help of these new features it will allow all the users to solve more problems very easily and efficiently. The computation engine forms the heart of Maple’s technology and has given utmost importance to user experience and helps the new user to develop and explore something new. It also gives special emphasis on application development and introduces further productivity advancements.
The Maple 17.01 update details are as follows:- - It has improved ability to play video files from a URL and also has expansion of the video component to provide new start/stop time index controls and audio file support. - To include MATLAB R2013a it gives extended MATLAB connectivity. - It has given enough improvements to resizing and printing code edit regions. - It has all the necessary updates to solve the numerical evaluation of the Heun functions and equations with branch cuts. - It has improved support for international keyboards along with updates to Smart PopUps, the Snippets palette and the Variable palette. - It has all the enhancements to plotting which includes an improved preview in the Plot Builder for interactive plots and other important features.
To add on the further advantages of Maple 17.01 the whole environment with wide range of mathematical transformations and technical documentation is perfect for all the modern mathematician, scientists and engineers. The program interface is very flexible and it allows solving many problems including the basic design calculations and algorithms to the development of logic simulation, mathematics education and complex models. It is regarded as one step application creation with which the user can specify the exploration parameters programmatically as well as through the Exploration Assistant and it also includes references to other variables and data it can insert the exploration components into one document or the existing one. This particular update also has features for solving advanced mathematics like solving a whole new class of differential equations and also by introducing new solution methods for systems of linear equations, solution for systems involving nonlinear polynomial inequalities and solving systems of equations. It also has new algorithms for finding limits of bivariate rational functions and new advancements in working with algebraic curves for better results. At the same time the significant improvements in graph theory along with more user based functionality for exploring and handling branch cuts. This particular update works perfectly in Windows XP, Vista, Windows & and Windows 8.